Thursday, April 26, 2012

When Life Gets in the Way

I had planned on posting all about my lip balm making adventures. I had great thoughts. Even took pictures!

But life gets in the way sometimes. Our whole roost got a lovely stomach virus, which stretched from my daughter to me over a two week period of time. I finally came down with the virus the two days before we were to leave for Florida.

Florida?!?!?! What a nice vacation!


Our trip to Florida was personal business. As in, a 6 day, 2000+ mile trip to meet our new son. Unfortunately, this isn't something I can talk about too much right now. However, he is an amazing little boy who has a ton of potential and I can't wait until we can bring him home.

But the lip balm... I did get it made before we left. I used a mixture of recipes, but I mainly pulled from here. Because I love me some Crunchy Betty. Anyway, the one thing I changed was using Coconut Oil instead of Jojoba, Almond or Olive. Not because I thought it was a good idea, or that I had done any type of research. Basically, it boiled down to me being way to lazy to walk 4 houses down to the market to buy some.

Anyway, my recipe was identical to Betty's Lucsious Lavander Lip Balm Recipe, with the substitution of Coconut Oil for Jojoba Oil. And it was oh so pretty. Here's a picture of the ingredients.

And here is the finished product in it's melted form. It was so pretty. I loved its smell and creaminess.
Sadly, I found it to be so drying for my lips. I had to put it on every 5 minutes. After a couple days, I turned back to my old friend, Carmex. Faithful and potent, my lips were back to normal after 24 hours of use.

But, I'm not one to back down from a challenge. Especially when my goal is to learn to make things at home so that we are more independent and self-sustaining. That, and have you read the ingredients in beauty products? It's enough to make my stomach turn.

But I digress. Last night I scooped all of my first batch of lip balm out of the container and reluctantly threw it into the trash. And I started over. This time I toughened up and had my husband go to the market for some Jojoba Oil so I could do this right. 

My recipe is as follows: (Yes, it is very similar to the first one, shoot me. I am taking baby steps here!)
1 Tablespoon grated bees wax
4 Tablespoons Jojoba Oil
7 drops of Lavender essential oil
10 drops of Peppermint essential oil
1 teaspoon of honey
4 Vitamin E capsules, squeezed out

Over low heat, slowly warm the bees wax, vitamin E and jojoba oil. Stir constantly. Don't let it scorch! 
When wax is melted, add in honey and essential oils.
Stir for another minute, or 5, you know, whatever you want.
Poor into your container.
Let sit until it solidifies. DON'T stick your finger in there before it is cooled. You don't want to mess up the pretty top!

And that's it! I've been using the new lip balm today and so far it seems to be much creamier and soothing to my lips. 

What is your favorite lip balm recipe?


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Keeping It Together

I have come across so many ideas, recipes, concoctions, plans and brews lately. I am becoming overwhelmed by everything I want to keep track of to try out some day. My bookmarks folder looks a bit like my 7-year-old went on a wild clicking rampage.

The problem is, there are so many of these ideas cluttering my computer, my desktop and my brain that I'm not actually DOING any of them!

So, beginning tomorrow, I am going to start tackling one project a day. And in doing so, I'm going to hopefully post it all here. My triumphs and my failures documented for all, um, two of my readers.

First up, lip balm! My lips are crazy dry lately and although I love my store bought stuff, I really want to be able make one at home that is completely natural. Tonight I'm going to perfect the recipe and tomorrow (hopefully!!) I'll be able to try it out!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

How does your garden grow?

When we moved into this house all of the raised beds were in the front. In our neighborhood, that is not at all unusual, but as I prepared to start my veggies this year I kind of freaked about everyone being able to see my flourishing garden.

Ahem... Honestly, I don't want all my neighbors witnessing my first farming attempts in our new home. (It's bad enough they get to observe my less-than-stellar ability to pull into my sidewalk width driveway.) Well, that and I don't want every random stranger strolling down the street to have the opportunity to graze on my hard work like a free-for-all salad bar.

For the past two days, we've been slowly transferring the boxes into the back. So far, two 5x5 boxes have been emptied of their dirt and moved. One has been refilled, although it still needs to have the vermapost added. There are still two more 5x5 and one 4x12 box to relocate.

This year, my goal is to grow the following produce and herbs:
Basil, Beans, Broccoli, Carrots, Cilantro, Cucumbers, Edamame, Green Beans, Head Lettuce, Kale, Mint, Onion, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Snow Peas, Sunflowers, Spinach, Strawberries

Unfortunately, all types of squash have been vetoed by the main cook of the house. Not because he doesn't like squash, but he really doesn't like dealing with the wild, viney mess that it leaves behind. I guess it is something to convince him of for next year.

What is going into your garden this year?

Friday, April 6, 2012

In The Beginning

I never wanted children.

Or a house. And I hate to cook.

I was going to work full-time.

And live at the beach.

Funny how time changes us.

Today I am experimenting with a kale and arugula pesto recipe. Right after I finish hanging the laundry to dry. I also need to get my seeds planted and my baby chicks have some lessons which require my assistance.

I've become the anti-me. Instead, a new me is hatching and I really think I like her.